Russian Topo Maps
OS Versiyası: Android
Kateqoriya: Naviqasiya
Tərtibatçı: ATLOGIS Geoinformatics GmbH & Co. KG Contains ads
Dil: English, Russian
Russian Topo Maps - By downloading this application, you will automatically have access to world maps, which show any off-road, little-known paths and abandoned territories. You will get access to satellite images, maps for viewing all streets and terrain at a scale of 1:100,000 – 1:200,000. If you need, you can download cartographic material to your own device at any time and use them in places without the Internet. Additionally, several maps can be compared in parallel on the same screen, as well as overlays can be configured.
OS Versiyası: Android 5.0+
Internet: not required
Boş yer tələb edir: 12 Mb
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