OS Versiyası: Android
Kateqoriya: Simulyatorlar
Tərtibatçı: Introversion Software
Dil: English
17 0
the Plot is this - the Corporation is looking for a creative and young staff to carry out their orders. For a start, you are given the server is so-so, weak, with a few necessary configurations and multiple programs. Your task is to develop, hack, create viruses, and do other hacking cases to improve their software and hardware, you can increase your starting capital and rise to the top of the skill of the attacker!
What is interesting in this game is the possibility of self-selection of plot development. There is no strict certainty, and limits for further action. Everything is in your hands and brains!
OS Versiyası: Android 2.2+
Internet: 0
Boş yer tələb edir: 0

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