Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Lysandros (see LYSANDER).
4 , 9 , 4
Who are they?
Seemingly unemotional, Lysandra is calm and reserved, haughty and detached. Most certainly, she is sober and very deep, but she is also shy, honest, and of impeccable morality. Patient, secure, disciplined, determined and level-headed, Lysandra is nonetheless apprehensive and uncertain. She tends to have low self-esteem and can be quite introverted. She isnt afraid of solitude - she prefers to maintain one or two close friendships than several less authentic relationships. Far from being dissipated or superficial, she is only really interested by that which is profound and true. If you count yourself among her friends then this is because she considers you worthy of her attention. Not particularly spontaneous or demonstrative, she can be over-sensitive and emotional although she conceals this part of her nature behind a thick layer of ice. Her incredible self-control could easily be mistaken for indifference and she often has the impression of being misunderstood. She is proud and doesnt like to show her vulnerability, which she perceives as a sign of weakness. Likewise, she would rather try and manage for herself than consider asking others for help. Practical and rational, Lysandra relies on reason and logic. From time to time she can be given to flights of fancy, but it usually isnt very long before she comes back down to earth. Hard working and conscientious, she is thrifty, organized and a perfectionist. As a child, she is far too well-behaved and responsible for her age, sometimes forgetting her own needs and desires in an effort to please her parents or at least to avoid disappointing them. She already has a strong sense of duty and is scrupulous in all that she undertakes - to use authority and force with her is strictly unnecessary and even counter-productive. Indeed if her parents do not understand this then she could risk growing up to become a woman with more than her fair share of inhibitions. Lysandra has a great need for privacy. Give her a large metal box with a key, and as she grows older she will probably want a diary with an infallible lock. If she happens to be the eldest, make sure that the younger children know not to touch her things or go into her bedroom. This is a sacred place, and her books and other personal belongings are her treasure.
What do they like?
A nature lover,Lysandra likes all that is simple and natural, while she cant stand deceit. She is a romantic soul with noble aspirations for humanity and dreams of sharing through unity and cooperation with the humans that she loves. She is very charitable and highly sensitive, meaning that she has a profound understanding of religion, poetry, music, travel, ancient history and the supernatural... Emotionally, she could be shared between her tendency to be idealist, romantic and at times even utopian; and her realism and lucidity, giving her a sometimes brutal glimpse of the error of her ways... it isnt impossible to imagine that she could experience a more platonic kind of love, leaving her to fantasize about the things that she cant do in reality, sexuality not being utterly essential, in her eyes.
What do they do?
Lysandra will be fulfilled if she feels that there is a meaning to her life. She could be particularly attracted to the medical and paramedical professions, or those in relation to the law, justice and the judiciary system... However she craves security and would not be indifferent to a career as a public servant. She could be equally interested by occupations in relation to the earth, flowers, animals, or those demanding orderliness, thoroughness or precision (dressmaking, catering...).
Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Lysandros (see LYSANDER).
4 , 9 , 4
Who are they?
Seemingly unemotional, Lysandra is calm and reserved, haughty and detached. Most certainly, she is sober and very deep, but she is also shy, honest, and of impeccable morality. Patient, secure, disciplined, determined and level-headed, Lysandra is nonetheless apprehensive and uncertain. She tends to have low self-esteem and can be quite introverted. She isnt afraid of solitude - she prefers to maintain one or two close friendships than several less authentic relationships. Far from being dissipated or superficial, she is only really interested by that which is profound and true. If you count yourself among her friends then this is because she considers you worthy of her attention. Not particularly spontaneous or demonstrative, she can be over-sensitive and emotional although she conceals this part of her nature behind a thick layer of ice. Her incredible self-control could easily be mistaken for indifference and she often has the impression of being misunderstood. She is proud and doesnt like to show her vulnerability, which she perceives as a sign of weakness. Likewise, she would rather try and manage for herself than consider asking others for help. Practical and rational, Lysandra relies on reason and logic. From time to time she can be given to flights of fancy, but it usually isnt very long before she comes back down to earth. Hard working and conscientious, she is thrifty, organized and a perfectionist. As a child, she is far too well-behaved and responsible for her age, sometimes forgetting her own needs and desires in an effort to please her parents or at least to avoid disappointing them. She already has a strong sense of duty and is scrupulous in all that she undertakes - to use authority and force with her is strictly unnecessary and even counter-productive. Indeed if her parents do not understand this then she could risk growing up to become a woman with more than her fair share of inhibitions. Lysandra has a great need for privacy. Give her a large metal box with a key, and as she grows older she will probably want a diary with an infallible lock. If she happens to be the eldest, make sure that the younger children know not to touch her things or go into her bedroom. This is a sacred place, and her books and other personal belongings are her treasure.
What do they like?
A nature lover,Lysandra likes all that is simple and natural, while she cant stand deceit. She is a romantic soul with noble aspirations for humanity and dreams of sharing through unity and cooperation with the humans that she loves. She is very charitable and highly sensitive, meaning that she has a profound understanding of religion, poetry, music, travel, ancient history and the supernatural... Emotionally, she could be shared between her tendency to be idealist, romantic and at times even utopian; and her realism and lucidity, giving her a sometimes brutal glimpse of the error of her ways... it isnt impossible to imagine that she could experience a more platonic kind of love, leaving her to fantasize about the things that she cant do in reality, sexuality not being utterly essential, in her eyes.
What do they do?
Lysandra will be fulfilled if she feels that there is a meaning to her life. She could be particularly attracted to the medical and paramedical professions, or those in relation to the law, justice and the judiciary system... However she craves security and would not be indifferent to a career as a public servant. She could be equally interested by occupations in relation to the earth, flowers, animals, or those demanding orderliness, thoroughness or precision (dressmaking, catering...).
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