Perhaps a variant of GWYNETH
7 , 3 , 22
Who are they?
Gyneth is an emotional person, which can be disconcerting because she is also rather secretive and introverted (association of 7 and 22/4). However, this doesnt prevent her from conversing with ease and animation with those she feels affinity with, or once she feels comfortable enough in her environment. One day she could be solitary and unsociable, hiding away in her shell, safe from the world; and the next, driven by curiosity or stimulated by her environment, shell poke her head out to see if there isnt somebody worth talking to, after all. Nevertheless, she remains something of a misfit, mysterious, inaccessible and just beyond the grasp of human understanding. Of eclectic intelligence, she has a critical, even cynical mind; but at the same time, she is fascinated by all that is odd, irrational and unorthodox... She stands out from the crowd thanks to her originality, which isnt usually a problem as an adult, however in childhood she is likely to perceive this as an exclusion, and this could reinforce certain inhibitions, exacerbating her sensitivity, and perhaps even provoking an inferiority complex. Quite often, her childhood isnt easy, because her parents may never be aware the depth of her personality. They should encourage her to make the most of her gift for language, because she has a way with words and communicates extremely effectively. Given the complexity of this child, we could distinguish two apparently contradictory characters: Gyneth talkative and little scattered with a nervous disposition (especially if she was born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th) and Gyneth the introverted intellectual whose words evaporate before they see the light of day (especially if her birthday is on the 4th, 7th, 13th, 16th, 22nd, 25th or 31st)... There may be a tendency to oscillate between periods of high energy (sociability, enthusiasm, intense communication and optimism...) and lows (misanthropy, scepticism, reticence, pessimism and even depression).
What do they like?
She enjoys conversation and the exchange of ideas, as well as expressing herself in different ways (artistic, creative or oral), writing, speaking and singing are almost as necessary as breathing to her. Moreover, it is usually thanks to her curiosity (her worst flaw as well as her greatest strength) that she makes progress in life, as well as the people she meets and the exchanges that take place. The supernatural appeals to her inquisitive nature, and sooner or later she could be drawn to investigation of spiritualism, mysticism or parapsychology. Her emotional life is rarely simple because she never exposes her deepest feelings, even when she is at her most loquacious! She prefers to keep people guessing, risking disappointment, but deep down she will feel misunderstood. She is far more likely to be attracted a mans mind than his wallet, because the material realm is of secondary importance to her, if not ancillary...
What do they do?
Two rather opposing orientations could coexist, depending on whether the 4 or 7 predominate in relation to the 3: professions involving research, analysis, the art of diagnosis and other modern techniques, occupations where fine skills in expression, communication and persuasion are required: sales, representation or public relations..., unless she decides to cultivate her artistic talent, in which case she could make a song and dance about it and embark on a career as a professional singer dancer or actress...
Perhaps a variant of GWYNETH
7 , 3 , 22
Who are they?
Gyneth is an emotional person, which can be disconcerting because she is also rather secretive and introverted (association of 7 and 22/4). However, this doesnt prevent her from conversing with ease and animation with those she feels affinity with, or once she feels comfortable enough in her environment. One day she could be solitary and unsociable, hiding away in her shell, safe from the world; and the next, driven by curiosity or stimulated by her environment, shell poke her head out to see if there isnt somebody worth talking to, after all. Nevertheless, she remains something of a misfit, mysterious, inaccessible and just beyond the grasp of human understanding. Of eclectic intelligence, she has a critical, even cynical mind; but at the same time, she is fascinated by all that is odd, irrational and unorthodox... She stands out from the crowd thanks to her originality, which isnt usually a problem as an adult, however in childhood she is likely to perceive this as an exclusion, and this could reinforce certain inhibitions, exacerbating her sensitivity, and perhaps even provoking an inferiority complex. Quite often, her childhood isnt easy, because her parents may never be aware the depth of her personality. They should encourage her to make the most of her gift for language, because she has a way with words and communicates extremely effectively. Given the complexity of this child, we could distinguish two apparently contradictory characters: Gyneth talkative and little scattered with a nervous disposition (especially if she was born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th) and Gyneth the introverted intellectual whose words evaporate before they see the light of day (especially if her birthday is on the 4th, 7th, 13th, 16th, 22nd, 25th or 31st)... There may be a tendency to oscillate between periods of high energy (sociability, enthusiasm, intense communication and optimism...) and lows (misanthropy, scepticism, reticence, pessimism and even depression).
What do they like?
She enjoys conversation and the exchange of ideas, as well as expressing herself in different ways (artistic, creative or oral), writing, speaking and singing are almost as necessary as breathing to her. Moreover, it is usually thanks to her curiosity (her worst flaw as well as her greatest strength) that she makes progress in life, as well as the people she meets and the exchanges that take place. The supernatural appeals to her inquisitive nature, and sooner or later she could be drawn to investigation of spiritualism, mysticism or parapsychology. Her emotional life is rarely simple because she never exposes her deepest feelings, even when she is at her most loquacious! She prefers to keep people guessing, risking disappointment, but deep down she will feel misunderstood. She is far more likely to be attracted a mans mind than his wallet, because the material realm is of secondary importance to her, if not ancillary...
What do they do?
Two rather opposing orientations could coexist, depending on whether the 4 or 7 predominate in relation to the 3: professions involving research, analysis, the art of diagnosis and other modern techniques, occupations where fine skills in expression, communication and persuasion are required: sales, representation or public relations..., unless she decides to cultivate her artistic talent, in which case she could make a song and dance about it and embark on a career as a professional singer dancer or actress...
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