Versión del SO: Android
Categoría: Canlı divar kağızı
Desarrolladora: onlymash
Idioma: English
28 0
- Open source code;
- Synchronization with Danbooru 1.x, Danbooru 2.x, Moebouru, Gelbooru 0.2.x, Sankaku, Shimmie 2.x;
- Muzei support;
- Save images to both the device s memory card and internal storage;
- API key setup;
- Multiple options for quick image switching;
- Adding to a blacklist based on filters;
- Batch downloading of multiple files at once;
- Instant app launch;
- Intuitive image viewing based on personal queries;
- Horizontal and vertical display;
- Adding to Favorites.
Versión del SO: Android 5.0+
Internet: not required
Requiere espacio libre: 5 Mb

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