Call Blocker - Caller ID
Versión del SO: Android
Categoría: Telefon hissəsi
Desarrolladora: Fiorenza Francesco Contains ads In-app purchases
Idioma: English, Russian
Call Blocker - antispam - Sooner or later every person gets tired of constant calls from unknown numbers, especially if after resetting the call they are imposed on you again. The only way out in such a situation is to add certain numbers to the blacklist, as well as automatically block private or hidden numbers. In total, you will have a large number of functions, for example, Start with , End with , Contains , etc. In a couple of seconds, find the necessary number, make a white and black list, do not waste your own time on useless calls.
Versión del SO: Android 6.0+
Internet: not required
Requiere espacio libre: 69 Mb
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