6 , 11 , 22
Who are they?
Izana is a charming, pleasant and attractive woman who is eager to please and be loved in return. Emotionally she is sensitive, sympathetic and considerate, and is prepared to make considerable efforts to ensure that peace and harmony prevail in her world. She is just as sensitive to beauty, and hers is no exception. She tends to take care of her physical appearance and is usually impeccably turned-out, down to the finest details. Her weakest link is her hypersensitivity which - combined with her active imagination and nervous disposition - occasionally results in bouts of anxiety. Izana expects her family to provide the security and protection that are necessary for her equilibrium and well-being. She is an easy-going and sociable individual who enjoys lifes pleasures and communicates with ease, charm, diplomacy and humor. The association of the karmic 2 with the 22 is not at all easy to live with, because the former tendency can cause her to be fragile, timid and inclined to dependency; whilst the latter pushes her to great, even grandiose achievements. She could either attempt to achieve her goals by developing her strengths of perfectionism, patience and determination (although that is not to say that things will be plain sailing, and she remains susceptible to anxiety), or she could choose to escape into her inner sanctuary of daydreams and imagination, indolence and indecision, perhaps finding solace in a lovers arms to compensate for her lack of ambition. As a child, she can be somewhat temperamental and overemotional, although she is usually quite timid, very impressionable and dependent on her environment. It is imperative that she learns to be autonomous and responsible as early as possible, her parents can help her to feel secure by always telling her the truth. They should be careful not to be over-protective though, because this child knows how to soften you up, and you could be tempted to indulge in her every whim just to avoid the drama of tears or hysterics when she doesnt get her way. This would be a huge mistake and would only contribute to the exacerbation of these latent tendencies and further infantilize her. Izana requires a lot of love and affection, and if it isnt forthcoming, she may find other, much less healthy ways to attract her parents attention.
What do they like?
She likes getting together with others, to cooperate and collaborate, and emotional support has a springboard effect on her. Love is obviously essential to this emotionally focused female, who often denies her emotional needs. The karmic 2 is often a clue to impatience and can make romantic relationships quite difficult (her active number 42 is already indicative of familial strain). There are two distinct possibilities: either she becomes the perfect housewife and fulfilled mother on reaching maturity; or indeed she rejects motherhood and remains somewhat immature, relying a little too much on other people.
What do they do?
Because she is so impressionable, the home environment is likely to have a significant influence on her future. If it is favourable, stimulating, and she has the opportunity to live her 22, a life of outstanding professional accomplishment could be possible, often of a humanitarian nature or related to creativity. Otherwise, Izana could be drawn to the professions related to counselling, childcare, medicine, health and social care or ecology, occupations in connection with esthetics, art and craft, management or economy, or those requiring precision.
6 , 11 , 22
Who are they?
Izana is a charming, pleasant and attractive woman who is eager to please and be loved in return. Emotionally she is sensitive, sympathetic and considerate, and is prepared to make considerable efforts to ensure that peace and harmony prevail in her world. She is just as sensitive to beauty, and hers is no exception. She tends to take care of her physical appearance and is usually impeccably turned-out, down to the finest details. Her weakest link is her hypersensitivity which - combined with her active imagination and nervous disposition - occasionally results in bouts of anxiety. Izana expects her family to provide the security and protection that are necessary for her equilibrium and well-being. She is an easy-going and sociable individual who enjoys lifes pleasures and communicates with ease, charm, diplomacy and humor. The association of the karmic 2 with the 22 is not at all easy to live with, because the former tendency can cause her to be fragile, timid and inclined to dependency; whilst the latter pushes her to great, even grandiose achievements. She could either attempt to achieve her goals by developing her strengths of perfectionism, patience and determination (although that is not to say that things will be plain sailing, and she remains susceptible to anxiety), or she could choose to escape into her inner sanctuary of daydreams and imagination, indolence and indecision, perhaps finding solace in a lovers arms to compensate for her lack of ambition. As a child, she can be somewhat temperamental and overemotional, although she is usually quite timid, very impressionable and dependent on her environment. It is imperative that she learns to be autonomous and responsible as early as possible, her parents can help her to feel secure by always telling her the truth. They should be careful not to be over-protective though, because this child knows how to soften you up, and you could be tempted to indulge in her every whim just to avoid the drama of tears or hysterics when she doesnt get her way. This would be a huge mistake and would only contribute to the exacerbation of these latent tendencies and further infantilize her. Izana requires a lot of love and affection, and if it isnt forthcoming, she may find other, much less healthy ways to attract her parents attention.
What do they like?
She likes getting together with others, to cooperate and collaborate, and emotional support has a springboard effect on her. Love is obviously essential to this emotionally focused female, who often denies her emotional needs. The karmic 2 is often a clue to impatience and can make romantic relationships quite difficult (her active number 42 is already indicative of familial strain). There are two distinct possibilities: either she becomes the perfect housewife and fulfilled mother on reaching maturity; or indeed she rejects motherhood and remains somewhat immature, relying a little too much on other people.
What do they do?
Because she is so impressionable, the home environment is likely to have a significant influence on her future. If it is favourable, stimulating, and she has the opportunity to live her 22, a life of outstanding professional accomplishment could be possible, often of a humanitarian nature or related to creativity. Otherwise, Izana could be drawn to the professions related to counselling, childcare, medicine, health and social care or ecology, occupations in connection with esthetics, art and craft, management or economy, or those requiring precision.
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