Means "glory of religion", derived from Arabic ('izz) "glory, power" and (din) "religion"
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Who are they?
Izz-al-din is a contradictory character as a result of certain dual energies: the 1, a masculine influence which can cause him to be self-centred and crave attention, also provokes an active and independent attitude which could make him appear more self-confident than he really is, even giving him an air of arrogance and aloofness. The 2 is characterized by a tendency to be more passive and dependent, as well as highly sensitive and therefore a good listener with great consideration for others. He seamlessly oscillates between these two influences, and this strange alchemy tends to make him an elusive and complex individual. Just when you think you know Izz-al-din, strong, responsible and self-assured, who answers to no law but his own, now and then you could be surprised to find yourself face to face with this shy and vulnerable creature who seems so unsure of himself. Except he only ever reveals the second aspect of his nature to his close friends and family, his pride refuses to let him to show any sign of weakness, however insignificant... If he lives in harmony with the vibrations of his master number, Izz-al-din will have high ideals and the world could be his oyster, if he so wishes. He would even have a certain influence on others, especially since he has such a caring and reassuring attitude. It is often in the fields of creation or the humanities that he will shine the brightest. Intuition, imagination and sensitivity could coexist with distinction, idealism and perfection. Of course, if he does reach the highest peaks, it wont be without a certain amount difficulty or nervous tension. However, Izz-al-din could also choose to experience these vibrations an octave below, that is to say in the vibrations of the 2, and settle for a safer, quieter life, involving collaboration or association, for example, and requiring much less personal effort. Whatever he decides, he will remain a sociable man, communicative, sensitive and helpful, who has a profound understanding of friendship. As a child, the duality of the 1 versus the 2 is probably even more problematic. He can be touchy, getting upset at the slightest setback, and can be known to get carried away by his anger, resentment or jealousy when he feels he isnt good enough, clever enough or whatever. If things arent going well at school (which is nevertheless rare) it would be a good idea to find another outlet for his creative mind, such as a hobby that he could become passionate about, develop, and eventually excel at. It is also very important for his parents to encourage him to develop his sociability and sense of sharing.
What do they like?
He likes to be in control and to lead, to dominate, to shine and be an inspiration for others, because he is rather image conscious... He is an esthete with a love of beauty and a taste for quality, there is something almost noble about him (often influenced by the sign of Leo). Emotionally, he is elitist and wants to both admire and be admired, which is not always possible, especially if he is with a partner who tends to steal his thunder... But Izz-al-din is an upright and honest man, and an idealist, even if he is a rather authoritarian and tries to impose his tastes on others.
What do they do?
He is likely to be tempted by one of the liberal professions, as this would enable him to be his own boss, the concept of hierarchy posing a problem for him. He could lean towards one of the artistic professions (actor), a creative occupation or one in relation to esthetics, luxury goods, jewelry or paintings, especially if he has a Life Path Number of 6; or a career in management, as a representative, teacher, or those related to the social sector, counseling (psychology, astrology, justice...).
Means "glory of religion", derived from Arabic ('izz) "glory, power" and (din) "religion"
11 , 1 , 1
Who are they?
Izz-al-din is a contradictory character as a result of certain dual energies: the 1, a masculine influence which can cause him to be self-centred and crave attention, also provokes an active and independent attitude which could make him appear more self-confident than he really is, even giving him an air of arrogance and aloofness. The 2 is characterized by a tendency to be more passive and dependent, as well as highly sensitive and therefore a good listener with great consideration for others. He seamlessly oscillates between these two influences, and this strange alchemy tends to make him an elusive and complex individual. Just when you think you know Izz-al-din, strong, responsible and self-assured, who answers to no law but his own, now and then you could be surprised to find yourself face to face with this shy and vulnerable creature who seems so unsure of himself. Except he only ever reveals the second aspect of his nature to his close friends and family, his pride refuses to let him to show any sign of weakness, however insignificant... If he lives in harmony with the vibrations of his master number, Izz-al-din will have high ideals and the world could be his oyster, if he so wishes. He would even have a certain influence on others, especially since he has such a caring and reassuring attitude. It is often in the fields of creation or the humanities that he will shine the brightest. Intuition, imagination and sensitivity could coexist with distinction, idealism and perfection. Of course, if he does reach the highest peaks, it wont be without a certain amount difficulty or nervous tension. However, Izz-al-din could also choose to experience these vibrations an octave below, that is to say in the vibrations of the 2, and settle for a safer, quieter life, involving collaboration or association, for example, and requiring much less personal effort. Whatever he decides, he will remain a sociable man, communicative, sensitive and helpful, who has a profound understanding of friendship. As a child, the duality of the 1 versus the 2 is probably even more problematic. He can be touchy, getting upset at the slightest setback, and can be known to get carried away by his anger, resentment or jealousy when he feels he isnt good enough, clever enough or whatever. If things arent going well at school (which is nevertheless rare) it would be a good idea to find another outlet for his creative mind, such as a hobby that he could become passionate about, develop, and eventually excel at. It is also very important for his parents to encourage him to develop his sociability and sense of sharing.
What do they like?
He likes to be in control and to lead, to dominate, to shine and be an inspiration for others, because he is rather image conscious... He is an esthete with a love of beauty and a taste for quality, there is something almost noble about him (often influenced by the sign of Leo). Emotionally, he is elitist and wants to both admire and be admired, which is not always possible, especially if he is with a partner who tends to steal his thunder... But Izz-al-din is an upright and honest man, and an idealist, even if he is a rather authoritarian and tries to impose his tastes on others.
What do they do?
He is likely to be tempted by one of the liberal professions, as this would enable him to be his own boss, the concept of hierarchy posing a problem for him. He could lean towards one of the artistic professions (actor), a creative occupation or one in relation to esthetics, luxury goods, jewelry or paintings, especially if he has a Life Path Number of 6; or a career in management, as a representative, teacher, or those related to the social sector, counseling (psychology, astrology, justice...).
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