Means "blossoming" in Arabic.
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Who are they?
Izdihar is a seductive and glamorous woman who is understanding, communicative, pleasant and friendly in her interactions with others. Nonetheless shy and unassuming, she is torn between her concern for others needs (she is always prepared to lend a sympathetic ear), and her desire to be recognised for her true worth and be the best... Cheerful and enthusiastic, she is generally also rather impatient, nervous and whimsical, and could even be known to lose her cool completely. She is bright, adaptable and savvy, with a sharp and critical mind. Her memory is excellent, and Izdihar doesnt have any problems on an intellectual level. She has great talent for foreign languages and self-expression and knows exactly how to use her charm and her powers of persuasion to achieve the results she desires. She is highly inquisitive and particularly relishes change, which could make her a little scattered at times. As a child, she is very emotional and heavily influenced by her family. She has a wild imagination and this could be responsible for all sorts of fear and worry. She can often be introverted and withdrawn in the earliest years of her life, especially if she doesnt receive enough affection and reassurance. She is a popular young lady and loves to talk for hours on the phone with her friends...
What do they like?
Izdihar has a few big dreams she would like to make reality: to be admired, be the best and to be in charge... which could be expressed through a professional ambition for which she is capable of tremendous focus and determination. However, she will make do with simply being the centre of attention during an evening with friends, where she will prove herself to be a remarkable hostess: subtle, intelligent and mischievous. Romantic life and motherhood are important to Izdihar but not essential, and she could find herself torn between her family and her career.
What do they do?
The professions that predominantly match her profile are those that require strong interpersonal and communication skills: commerce, sales, public relations, press officer, advertising, involving the spoken word and the voice (teacher, lawyer...), or writing (secretary, writer...), requiring manual dexterity (craft), or in conjunction with the concept of advice.
Means "blossoming" in Arabic.
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Who are they?
Izdihar is a seductive and glamorous woman who is understanding, communicative, pleasant and friendly in her interactions with others. Nonetheless shy and unassuming, she is torn between her concern for others needs (she is always prepared to lend a sympathetic ear), and her desire to be recognised for her true worth and be the best... Cheerful and enthusiastic, she is generally also rather impatient, nervous and whimsical, and could even be known to lose her cool completely. She is bright, adaptable and savvy, with a sharp and critical mind. Her memory is excellent, and Izdihar doesnt have any problems on an intellectual level. She has great talent for foreign languages and self-expression and knows exactly how to use her charm and her powers of persuasion to achieve the results she desires. She is highly inquisitive and particularly relishes change, which could make her a little scattered at times. As a child, she is very emotional and heavily influenced by her family. She has a wild imagination and this could be responsible for all sorts of fear and worry. She can often be introverted and withdrawn in the earliest years of her life, especially if she doesnt receive enough affection and reassurance. She is a popular young lady and loves to talk for hours on the phone with her friends...
What do they like?
Izdihar has a few big dreams she would like to make reality: to be admired, be the best and to be in charge... which could be expressed through a professional ambition for which she is capable of tremendous focus and determination. However, she will make do with simply being the centre of attention during an evening with friends, where she will prove herself to be a remarkable hostess: subtle, intelligent and mischievous. Romantic life and motherhood are important to Izdihar but not essential, and she could find herself torn between her family and her career.
What do they do?
The professions that predominantly match her profile are those that require strong interpersonal and communication skills: commerce, sales, public relations, press officer, advertising, involving the spoken word and the voice (teacher, lawyer...), or writing (secretary, writer...), requiring manual dexterity (craft), or in conjunction with the concept of advice.
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