Means "illuminate" in Sanskrit.
7 , 1 , 6
Who are they?
Of charming and elegant appearance, Niraj is refined, eager to please and to be liked in return. Sentimentality, beauty and harmony are the values he seeks, somewhat confusedly; such is the extent of his need for equilibrium. Nevertheless, he is quite secretive, reserved and not particularly demonstrative in his interpersonal relations. He is extremely sensitive although he manages to partially conceal this aspect of his personality with an apparent frostiness or a small ironic smile in the corner of his mouth... He is an active and determined man who is equipped with tremendous practical intelligence, great organizational skills and an analytical mind, although he is inclined to be fastidious. Often a perfectionist (sometimes to the point of obsession), he cant stand mediocrity or depravity. In fact, he can often be anxious, prone to soul searching and can easily be attracted to spiritualism and the paranormal, whilst remaining a convinced skeptic, and these two trends could occur successively over time (karmic 7). He seeks knowledge and aims to obtain a certain wisdom, although he is equally tempted by Epicureanism and comfort. He tends to oscillate between the two tendencies, but in any case, hesitation is one of his main characteristics. As a child he is a kind, helpful, responsible and endearing young man who is rather focused on himself. Niraj dreams of occupying first place in his parents hearts as well as at school where he wants to be the best, and he wont hesitate to assert himself to prove his worth.
What do they like?
He is attracted to all that glitters and all that is beautiful, while he wishes to succeed, to be in charge and to be admired. Somewhat narcissistic, Niraj is a bit of a ladies man who isnt lacking in tact and gallantry. In love, he is an aesthete and is often first attracted by a womans beauty, although deep and meaningful exchanges are just as important to him. Therefore, his choices in love could be complex, often hesitating between the beauty of one and the magnanimity of the other or the reassuring presence of so-and-so... He is family orientated and desires a comfortable and attractive home with a wife who he imagines as being the perfect hostess and a fantastic cook, if that isnt asking too much...
What do they do?
everal types of professions are likely to interest him; however it is not unthinkable that he take over the family business. He is likely to be particularly attracted to the independent professions (especially if he was born on a 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th or if his Life Path Number is 1), careers related to aesthetics, cuisine, gastronomy, oenology (especially if he has a Life Path Number of 6, or was born on a 6th, 15th or 24th, otherwise, specialized or technical professions, or those in connection with hygiene and cleanliness are likely to appeal to his perfectionist nature...
Means "illuminate" in Sanskrit.
7 , 1 , 6
Who are they?
Of charming and elegant appearance, Niraj is refined, eager to please and to be liked in return. Sentimentality, beauty and harmony are the values he seeks, somewhat confusedly; such is the extent of his need for equilibrium. Nevertheless, he is quite secretive, reserved and not particularly demonstrative in his interpersonal relations. He is extremely sensitive although he manages to partially conceal this aspect of his personality with an apparent frostiness or a small ironic smile in the corner of his mouth... He is an active and determined man who is equipped with tremendous practical intelligence, great organizational skills and an analytical mind, although he is inclined to be fastidious. Often a perfectionist (sometimes to the point of obsession), he cant stand mediocrity or depravity. In fact, he can often be anxious, prone to soul searching and can easily be attracted to spiritualism and the paranormal, whilst remaining a convinced skeptic, and these two trends could occur successively over time (karmic 7). He seeks knowledge and aims to obtain a certain wisdom, although he is equally tempted by Epicureanism and comfort. He tends to oscillate between the two tendencies, but in any case, hesitation is one of his main characteristics. As a child he is a kind, helpful, responsible and endearing young man who is rather focused on himself. Niraj dreams of occupying first place in his parents hearts as well as at school where he wants to be the best, and he wont hesitate to assert himself to prove his worth.
What do they like?
He is attracted to all that glitters and all that is beautiful, while he wishes to succeed, to be in charge and to be admired. Somewhat narcissistic, Niraj is a bit of a ladies man who isnt lacking in tact and gallantry. In love, he is an aesthete and is often first attracted by a womans beauty, although deep and meaningful exchanges are just as important to him. Therefore, his choices in love could be complex, often hesitating between the beauty of one and the magnanimity of the other or the reassuring presence of so-and-so... He is family orientated and desires a comfortable and attractive home with a wife who he imagines as being the perfect hostess and a fantastic cook, if that isnt asking too much...
What do they do?
everal types of professions are likely to interest him; however it is not unthinkable that he take over the family business. He is likely to be particularly attracted to the independent professions (especially if he was born on a 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th or if his Life Path Number is 1), careers related to aesthetics, cuisine, gastronomy, oenology (especially if he has a Life Path Number of 6, or was born on a 6th, 15th or 24th, otherwise, specialized or technical professions, or those in connection with hygiene and cleanliness are likely to appeal to his perfectionist nature...
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