Masculine short form of ANNUNZIATA
9 , 9 , 9
Who are they?
With the omnipresence of the number 9, the least one could say about Nunzio is that he is a man of both exception and excess, since he doesnt like to do things by halves. His path in life is likely to take him over great peaks of sometimes dizzy heights - just as it could lead through dark and unfathomable depths... In both cases it carries him inexorably towards other people, crowds and the public. Nunzio possesses considerable ascendancy over others and he can leave a more or less lasting impression on those he meets. This will be even more true if he is able to approach all encounters and events with a selfless attitude. He is an extraordinary character who doesnt like to follow the beaten track and completely ignores boundaries. Nunzio is seduced by the idea of elsewhere, be it geographically, intellectually or spiritually. He seeks to surpass himself, stretch his limits and challenge habit and custom. Such an attitude can make him quite enigmatic and he could be seen as a visionary or marginal, at best. More often than not, Nunzio will live his life in close proximity with the public, and he is likely to encounter many other lessons that are associated with the number 9, which could involve: foreign countries (personal travel and business trips), altruism as well as humanitarian and philanthropic orientations. It is quite possible that he traverses different phases before achieving an attitude of perfect detachment. He needs to feel completely secure on a material level before he is able to devote himself to others, since he isnt immune to changes of heart. He needs to be able to believe in what he does and it isnt impossible that he gains a certain level of notoriety or another form of recognition. His fertile imagination, sensuality and the lure of the unattainable could lead him to escape into a fools paradise if is unable to materialize his dreams. As a child, Nunzio is hypersensitive, emotional and temperamental. One must be able to understand him in order to love him, even if his truth seems strange to you and his inextricable stories leave you quite perplexed. What if his rich imagination was the fertile soil of his future vocation? Remember, harmony in his affective environment is fundamental to his happiness and if Nunzio feels misunderstood, he could see running away as the only viable option...
What do they like?
Noble causes, great ideas, humane and spiritual values. Nunzio tends to think big and his idealism knows no limits. His interests lead him to encounter the inaccessible, the strange and mysterious, religion and the occult, psychology, politics and archeology... In his daily life he is difficult to figure out and a hard act to follow, since his heart is like his ideal - immense; and Nunzio is not necessarily a one-woman man.
What do they do?
Nunzio will be interested by occupations that allow him to be in contact with the public, such as broadcasting or advertising, in connection with the sea (sailor...), gastronomy or catering, travel or foreign countries - such as tourism for example, activities concerned with great humanitarian, social or philanthropic values; otherwise he may choose a career as a public figure (politician) or one that would allow him to put his artistic talents to good use (journalist, actor, writer. ..)
Masculine short form of ANNUNZIATA
9 , 9 , 9
Who are they?
With the omnipresence of the number 9, the least one could say about Nunzio is that he is a man of both exception and excess, since he doesnt like to do things by halves. His path in life is likely to take him over great peaks of sometimes dizzy heights - just as it could lead through dark and unfathomable depths... In both cases it carries him inexorably towards other people, crowds and the public. Nunzio possesses considerable ascendancy over others and he can leave a more or less lasting impression on those he meets. This will be even more true if he is able to approach all encounters and events with a selfless attitude. He is an extraordinary character who doesnt like to follow the beaten track and completely ignores boundaries. Nunzio is seduced by the idea of elsewhere, be it geographically, intellectually or spiritually. He seeks to surpass himself, stretch his limits and challenge habit and custom. Such an attitude can make him quite enigmatic and he could be seen as a visionary or marginal, at best. More often than not, Nunzio will live his life in close proximity with the public, and he is likely to encounter many other lessons that are associated with the number 9, which could involve: foreign countries (personal travel and business trips), altruism as well as humanitarian and philanthropic orientations. It is quite possible that he traverses different phases before achieving an attitude of perfect detachment. He needs to feel completely secure on a material level before he is able to devote himself to others, since he isnt immune to changes of heart. He needs to be able to believe in what he does and it isnt impossible that he gains a certain level of notoriety or another form of recognition. His fertile imagination, sensuality and the lure of the unattainable could lead him to escape into a fools paradise if is unable to materialize his dreams. As a child, Nunzio is hypersensitive, emotional and temperamental. One must be able to understand him in order to love him, even if his truth seems strange to you and his inextricable stories leave you quite perplexed. What if his rich imagination was the fertile soil of his future vocation? Remember, harmony in his affective environment is fundamental to his happiness and if Nunzio feels misunderstood, he could see running away as the only viable option...
What do they like?
Noble causes, great ideas, humane and spiritual values. Nunzio tends to think big and his idealism knows no limits. His interests lead him to encounter the inaccessible, the strange and mysterious, religion and the occult, psychology, politics and archeology... In his daily life he is difficult to figure out and a hard act to follow, since his heart is like his ideal - immense; and Nunzio is not necessarily a one-woman man.
What do they do?
Nunzio will be interested by occupations that allow him to be in contact with the public, such as broadcasting or advertising, in connection with the sea (sailor...), gastronomy or catering, travel or foreign countries - such as tourism for example, activities concerned with great humanitarian, social or philanthropic values; otherwise he may choose a career as a public figure (politician) or one that would allow him to put his artistic talents to good use (journalist, actor, writer. ..)
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